Seamless Ways to Pay PLI Premium Online 2024 through the Postal Life Insurance (PLI) Portal. PLI Online Payment, PLI Premium Payment Registration 2024. PLI full form. Download PLI Online Payment Receipt. Register PLI Policy online
PLI Online Payment
India Post established its life insurance scheme, PLI Online Payment (PLI). It is a postal Life Insurance that was introduced as a welfare scheme. It is among India’s oldest life insurance Companies, providing top insurance services. It has benefitted the lives of many residents, including rural people, with the Rural Postal Life Insurance.
Through the PLI online payment, Indian postal payment has made premium payments services faster and more reliable for its users. People can make payments and receive money quickly as it is a one-stop financial services provider. It also allows all members instant account opening and direct benefit transfer facilities. Moreover, candidates can pay PLI premium online through the official portal and PLI payment apps such as credit cards, debit cards, and UPI with the utmost convenience of the India Post Payment bank channel.
Primary Conditions for Online PLI Payment
Below are some basic conditions for PLI online payment;
• Your email address should link with your Postal Life Insurance policy.
• Contact information should be registered in your PLI policy.
• An updated mobile number and email address should typically be submitted to the system.

Methods to Pay PLI Online Payment
- Below are various pay methods that can be used to make payment of Premium for PLI online through:
- A debit card
- Net Banking
- UPI Application method
- A credit card
Benefits of using PostaL Life Insurance Online payment
The online payment of the postal life insurance provides several benefits to its users as follows;
- The policy offers a nomination facility.
- Applicant can avail a duplicate policy document if the original copy is lost.
- Policyholders can request income tax exemption under section 88 of the Act.
- One can make payments monthly, yearly, or quarterly.
- Users paying their amount in advance receive a discount of 2%.
- It is easy to borrow funds against your policy.
How to Register PLI Policy in PLI India Post Portal for Payment Online
The process to register to pay PLI premium online at the PLI customer portal. You can use your PLI Policy number, mobile number, and email address to register for the PLI portal. Here are steps to follow to pay PLI premium online;
Generate Customer ID
- Move to the official website of PLI at
- Press on the Generate Customer ID option.
- Provide all the required details as per your PLI policy document.
- Proceed to the Submit button.
- After the submission process, a message will pop up on the screen.
- You will see the customer ID and Registration link to your registered email ID.
- Open the registration link before 72 hours.
Set your password
- Press on the registration link entered into your email ID inbox.
- A page will open where you need to type your password as required.
- Hit on the set password button to continue.
- A notification will display on the screen that ”your account has been registered successfully.”.
- Log in with your credentials within 24 hours.
- Finally, you can pay Premium for your policy using a payment mode..
Login to the PLI customer online portal and pay for the PLI premium
- After 24 hours of setting a password, log in to the PLI customer portal.
- Input your Customer ID, Captcha code, and password to log in.
PLI Online Payment Using a Credit Card
How to pay PLI online using a credit card
To make the PLI online payment of Premium, you can use a credit card as shown below;
- Move to the official website of PLI company through link
- Press the ‘Login” section on the right side of the page.
- Enter the ”’Policyholders” option to log in, and you will be taken to the PLI login portal.
- Tap on ‘’Generate Customer ID’’ if it’s your 1st time user.
- A pop–up will display on the next page.
- Fill in your sum assured, gender, date of birth, name, contact information, and policy number.
- After entering all information, press the ”Submit” button to get the customer ID.
- Fill in the required login details like ID and password.
- Next, you can access your policy details, such as paying premiums.
- Lastly, hit on the Premium payment option and submit all the required credit card details to pay premiums through the credit card.
Download PLI Online Payment Receipt
Procedure to download PLI Online Payment Receipt
Follow the steps below to download the PLI online payment receipt;
- Move to the official ‘’ IndiaPost ‘’ website at
- Press on the ‘’Login ‘’option to continue.
- Go to the ”Tools and Utilities” section and select the ”Payment History” option.
- Type your PLI policy number and hit on the ‘’Get Payment History’’
- Lastly, download the payment receipt online and save the form for reference.
How to Buy PLI Policy Online
Ways to purchase a policy online
- Navigate to the PLI India Post official website through
- Press on the Quote menu in the drop-down of Purchase a Policy.
- Set the quote by typing a valid phone number, email ID, and accurate PIN code.
- The name of the Head Post Office will be displayed based on the space given.
- Fill in the proposal Form to proceed.
- You can make an initial premium through the link in the initial payment menu or email in the drop-down to purchase a policy.
- Next, upload the relevant documents through the Document Upload menu in the drop-down.
- Choose Head Post Office to download the document.
- You will see a policy bond to your Registered Post.
PLI Full Form
- Postal life insurance (PLI)
- What are the eligible criteria for online premium payments in PLI?
PLI online premium payments can be made by individuals who have an account and are between 18 and 50 years old.